Mattzilla (Aka Matt Saunders):

Hi I’m Matt Saunders (AKA The Mattzilla):

Helping other Brands and Businesses conquer epicness.

Founder of RAAD
Founder of The Mattzilla
Co-Founder of Flourish
Co-Founder of ilabb

Bachelor of Architecture (Honours)

Creative creature, creating creative solutions.

Ideation > creation > implementation

Mattzilla’s Key Skills:

 -       Team leadership and talent management / development

-       Brand conception, creation and implementation

-       Graphic / web / print design

-       Photography: studio and location

-       Video content production: filming and editing

-       Product and packaging design

-       Product analysis, development and line planing

-       Visual merchandise production: swing tags, POS, store fit-outs

-       Business strategy

-       Market analysis and segmentation

-       Marketing strategy and execution

-       Customer engagement

-       Social media strategy and content production

Career Highlights while building ilabb:

-       Consistently one of the Top 5 brands in key retail accounts (Amazon, North Beach and Backdoor)

-       Servicing a wholesale network of over 80+ Stores (NZ and AU)

-       Opening three flagship ilabb stores

-       25+ Employees

-       Developing a strong supply chain (NZ and China)

-       Finalist in the “Up and Coming Brands” - Idealog Magazine

-       Finalist in Most Influential Creative Person - Idealog Magazine

-       Establishing a highly engaged digital community: 250K on Facebook, 70K Instagram

-       The first NZ brand to have a presence and store at the X Games USA (Austin, Texas)

-       Generating over 500K EAV of PR/ Media coverage

-       The first non-USA brand accepted into the Action Sports Mentor America Programme

-       Finalist in NZ Herald and BNZ SuperSizeSME Programme

-       Creating engaging co-labs: Red Bull, Shapeshifter, Mazda, Sony, Starter, Etnies,

Fox, Rhythm and Vines, BurgerFuel, Northern Bass, Mad Mike and many world champion action sport stars

-       Cover of NZ Business Magazine

-       Radio interviews on Newstalk ZB, George FM

-       Guest speaking at numerous entrepreneur and creative events